Friday, March 12, 2010

Complete Information about Coffee Grinding

Coffee as we know is the most drinkable beverages for most people around the world. The coffee could be instant, ground or even whole roasted beans. All of those depend on the taste of every person. True coffee lovers prefer to mill coffee beans in order to brew an aromatic beverage, to preserve all its natural fragrances and simply enjoy genuine coffee drink.

There are various types of milling that depend on your personal sense of coffee taste and the kind of grinding device you chose. Here are the types of coffee grinder that possibly you choose:

This type is little different with other types of ground coffee grain. It likes coarse coffee grain. Its almost like brewing the whole beans that have been a little smashed into pieces.

The coffee particles are smaller and look like coarse grained sand or sugar. For this grind should be brewed in Drip Filtration coffee machine.

It is more delicate by touch, still not the powder that we get in Turkish milling. Fine grind can be used in almost each drip coffee maker and the filter will make the coffee grain softer.

Extra Fine
It is almost ideal coffee grind with a gentle texture like Turkish grind. This milling is used while brewing espresso in an espresso coffee making machine.

This antiquated method brings the beans to the stage they turn into powder or dust, with other words. The coffee brewed from this grind is extremely heavy with thick consistence. And the result is almost perfect powder of coffee grinder is produced by this type.

After we discuss about the types of coffee grinder, now we want to know about coffee grinding devices. As matter of fact, there are two types of coffee grinding devices, they are blade and the other is burr grinder.
The blade coffee grinder is cheaper than the blade one. The blade works in such a way that the roasted beans are chopped, thus you will never get an extra fine coffee grind in such an appliance. The taste of the coffee depends on the period of time the beans are grind, the longer they stay in the blade device, the more burned taste you will get in your coffee.

The burr grinder is way much better and is highly appreciated throughout the coffee world. And the burr grinder itself divides into two types, they are wheel burr and the other is conical burr. Wheel burr is the cheapest coffee grinding. This type of burr can be very noisy because of its wheel that is rotating way too fast. So, the result is the coffee still mess up.

Then, conical burr is the best grinding device ever. The high-quality coffee is guaranteed. The wheel in such a mechanism spins slower, thus resulting in less noise and better quality grind. Well, the result is a fine aromatic coffee substance that will please even the most exacting drinker. The only lack of such a device is its expense, thus not everyone can afford it.

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