Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Best French Press Coffee Maker

One of the best ways to make rich, full, and excellent-tasting coffee is to use a French press coffee maker. Many coffee lovers prefer the French press coffee method and swear by its perfection. If you have not tried it before, you need to try it. It is wonderful.

The first step in choosing a good French press coffee maker is to consider the size you'll need. Most French presses come in 2-3 cup sizes, but large ones making up to 8 cups are available as well. Most people find that the 2-3 cup sizes are just about right, because one of the attributes of a French press coffee maker is its inability to heat the coffee. Me personally, I like larger ones. But, then I drink coffee out of a larger mug. If you are like me, you might want the larger one. But, as mentioned above, you might have a hard time keeping the coffee hot if you are drinking alone.

French press makers all work in the same way, so once you've chosen a size, look at workmanship and quality. Stainless steel is definitely the way to go and the thicker the glass, the stronger the press will be. All-stainless steel versions are also available and may be the right answer for you - they are definitley sturdier.

I have broken many glass ones by dropping them on the counter or hitting them against the kitchen sink while washing them. So, while I love the look of the glass carafe, the stainless steel is much more practical. Another problem with the glass carafe is that they sometimes break from having hot water in them and then cold water. I hate when this happens.

To make great coffee using this method, start with good beans in a well-done roast. Pour the measure of beans into the press and ad steaming, near-boiling water. Affix the lid and gently press the grinds filter down about an inch into the water. Let stand for some time (3-5 minutes, depending on your strength preference).

Then press the filter the rest of the way down as far as it will go. Pour and enjoy! The best French press mixture of coffee and water will give you a heavy, rich, flavorful brew. Once you've tried the best French press has to offer, you won't go back.

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