The stress of unemployment can really take a toll on ones confidence and state of mind. For some individuals, it could lead to depression, for others – a mere lack of motivation and feeling of hopelessness. Employment is one of the main structures that help individuals in our society to feel positive, develop financial independence, as well as establish hope for the future.
Even for those with jobs, motivation is a hard state to attain and maintain. Businesses are losing thousands of hours' worth of productivity each year - with staff being distracted from their jobs by everything from 'cyber-surfing to taking 5 coffee breaks a day (which by the way may leave you broke considering the raise in recent coffee prices).
In a recent survey, it was found that “While cyber-loafing was identified by 23 per cent of respondents as the main obstacle to a productive workforce, 'low staff morale and lack of motivation' was identified by 32 per cent of respondents.”
So, besides the short-term benefits of early morning coffee consumption, what are some alternatives to getting motivated for work?
Stimulate your mind and your mouth
It has been proven time and time again that having breakfast in the morning gives you a nutritional boost both physically and mentally. But what about emotionally – can breakfast alone be enough to get you motivated for your day? Getting your day off on the right start doesn’t mean walking into your office on a full stomach. It means walking in on a full stomach and a full set of ideas.
Participating in mental activities like doing a crossword puzzle or meditating can really sharpen your mind within a short period of time. If neither exercises appeal to you, then pick up the newspaper or read a book that is relevant to your line of work. By doing so, you may be able to get fresh new ideas for your business, or learn more about new industry trends.
Get outside the (office) box
Ever heard of the phrase “Being so close to the forest that you can’t see the trees”? Well, a lot of times people experience this in their work environments – and rightfully so! Your environment determines your level of productivity and it is not always easy to see the trees (ideas) when you are always in the forest (office). Sometimes the best remedy is getting outside the box - I mean, office. If you have a meeting in your office with a client, see if you can rearrange it to your favorite neighborhood cafĂ© instead. Not only does this provide a more relaxed setting for both individuals, but also allows you to connect more on a human level.
If you are feeling overwhelmed with your time and energy, turn off you computer, take a walk outside, and breathe deeply. If this doesn’t help, see if there are any seminars or roundtables you can attend that week on time management and fatigue.
Start your week with a weekly report
Whether you have a job or not, the most important thing to do before your “work week” starts is writing down all the goals you have for that week. Make sure to put a specific timeline on completing your goals. That way, you will be accountable to yourself if you miss your deadline. Set aside punishments and rewards to keep you in check.
I personally like to print my weekly report and tape it to my desk so it is always in front of me. Always have a highlighter right next to you so that when you finish, you mark off what you have completed. If you are computer savvy, you may use programs like ACT or Outlook.
In sum, true motivation lies within your heart. If you cannot find it there, it may be because you lack the resources, techniques, and appropriate environment that is conducive to your personal productivity. If these resources are aligned properly, not only will you be able to reach your highest levels of motivation, you may be able to reduce your monthly spending habits at your local coffee shop.
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